Announcing the Mediavine Scholarship Winner: Tiffany Hathorn


WITS recently partnered with Mediavine for the first-ever Mediavine Scholarship to enable one content creator to attend WITS North America 2020 in Kansas City, Missouri.

Today, we are excited to share the winner of this inaugural scholarship is Tiffany Hathorn of Single Mommy Warrior!


Tiffany is the blogger behind Single Mommy Warrior where she talks about the ups, downs, ins, and outs of single parenting, homeschooling, and entrepreneurship. Tiffany and her son, Christian, live in a small town in Arkansas that was featured on season 4 of Deluxe's Small Business Revolution. They both dream of traveling the world and vlogging about their experience.


When I applied for the Mediavine Scholarship, I honestly didn't think I stood a chance of winning - after all, I'm not a travel blogger or well-known influencer. I'm just a mom who dreams of traveling the world with my son and figured that the Women in Travel Summit would be my best bet of learning how to make that happen. I look forward to the people I'll meet, the knowledge I'll gain, and making this the first trip of many for my son. Thank you for gifting this to us - we appreciate it!

–Tiffany Hathorn


We can’t wait to meet Tiffany at WITS and look forward to seeing her grow and move her skills forward!



The scholarship is valued at $2,250 USD and includes:

  • One free ticket to WITS Kansas City

  • Round trip flight to WITS Kansas City (up to $500 USD)

  • Hotel room for 3 nights at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown

  • Food stipend for meals not included at WITS

  • Free lifetime membership to the Wanderful Creator Collective


A huge thank you to Mediavine for making this possible.

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